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10 Motivation Techniques For Leaders

Austin Chegini
14 Oct. 2020

As a leader, you need to be able to create a motivating environment for your staff. What keeps them motivated and interested in their work? It's your job to find out. Here are 10 ways you can keep motivating your staff and get the most out of them every day.

1. Make The Work Meaningful

No one wants to come to work if they feel they're not making a contribution there. Take a look at the work your team is doing. Is it contributing to your cause? If not, you'll want to make changes to help them see the meaning of their work. If you can change their view of the work they're doing, it can make a real difference to their input.

A lot of the jobs in the retail and hospitality industry can be seen as quite menial and tedious, especially if it’s stacking shelves with products or generally tidying up. Aim to get your business looking as sharp and as presentable as possible, making sure that you highlight when someone has done an outstanding job.

2. Make Improvements To The Workplace

Improvements will mean something different to each business. For you, it might mean that you create better break environments, so your staff can relax. For someone else, it might mean making changes in how they communicate. Ask your staff what would make work better for them. You may find you need to bring in new point of sales systems or just make some minor changes to the day to running of the business.

If you’ve got a room where your employees take their breaks, try adding a television, some games, or even a pool table. Giving your employees the best features to unwind during their breaks will ensure that they’re happier and will work harder during their working hours.

3. Don't Micromanage

"You may feel that you need to be managing your team every minute of the day, but that's actually counterproductive," says communications manager Daniel Paulson from UK Top Writers. "Your staff will find it much harder to work if you're breathing down their neck." Give your staff the benefit of the doubt, and let them get on with the job.

For example, if you’re trying to set up a function room for an event, instead of micromanaging every task that needs to be done, delegate the jobs and step back to watch your employees thrive. This way, you’ll also be freed up to handle problems should they arise.

4. Promote Good Work

Has your team achieved well? If they've completed a project ahead of schedule or they make a big sale, make a point of recognizing them for their hard work. Additionally, you might want to focus on implementing a bit of friendly competition between your employees.

For example, pay attention to how many sales or upsells your individual employees are making every day which is easily accessible through Epos Now's back office. You could create a table or weekly competition with a small prize at the end of the week. Make sure that you keep things friendly and light-hearted for the best results.

It's so much easier to work for someone if you feel they're paying attention to the work you're putting in and appreciating you, giving you the job satisfaction all employees strive for.

5. Improve Your Communication

It's so easy for something to be miscommunicated at work, and for things to go wrong. This can seriously affect productivity in your team, affecting your output. Let’s say an employee has left a note on the till about a customer who is coming into your business who has special dietary requirements.

If the note isn’t properly written or doesn't have the correct details when the customer arrives, it can be embarrassing to the employee dealing with them if they have made a mistake; a mistake that could be avoided with comprehensive communication. Epos Now's booking system also allows you to leave notes on bookings so your waiters will know of any special requirements their table has.

That's why it's so important to learn to communicate well. If you feel as though you need to brush up on your skills, look at a service like Grammarly to help you out. They're especially helpful with written communications, which are more popular in the modern workplace.

Woman holding a drawing of a smile

6. Minimize The Bureaucracy

Some rules are always needed in the workplace, but too many and you're actually making life harder' says HR manager Angela Dawlish at Elite Assignment Help. "It's frustrating to have to jump through hoops to get even simple things done when you're working." Reduce the rules and regulations around work, and give your staff more freedom to get their tasks done. You'll find they'll be more productive as they're being left to get it done.

7. Improving Email Communications

Email is one of the most popular forms of communication, whether you’re emailing to people within the business, or contacting customers and sales prospects. When your employees are emailing customers, this could be the first, and last, impression that the customer has on your business, so it’s essential that you’re sending out the message to the highest quality.

For example, if you’re having a quiet day, you could ask your employees to send out a one-day email offer to prospective customers, ensuring they stay busy and motivated while benefiting your business. Perhaps implement a friendly competition to see which team member gets the most replies. You can use online tools to improve your emails too.

If you are having a quiet day and have staff working on who weren't needed, your Epos Now software will also analyze your busiest times and help you with making sure you have the correct number of people on shift next time.

laptop with a message about email marketing

8. Get Advice From The Experts

Not sure how to motivate your team? Ask the experts! There are plenty of people out there who'll give you ideas about how to help your staff. The Balance, for example, is a site full of business advice that you can check out. Try talking to other leaders at events when you can, too. First-hand advice is often the best.

9. Get To Know Your Team

Sure, you know who each member of your team is, but do you really know them? Do they have families? What do they like to do outside of work? The more you know about them, the better you can motivate them. For example, some managers like to give out gift cards when their staff do well. Knowing where they're likely to shop means you can give them a gift card they're more likely to use.

10. Improve Your Business Copywriting

Finally, knowing how to communicate in writing is essential as a leader. If you're effective in your writing, you can be much more motivating. Sites like Revieweal and AcademAdvisor are great tools to help you improve your writing skills. Get advice on how to make your writing clear and effective for everyone who needs to read it.

Put these tips to use, and you'll be able to motivate your team, no matter what. It's all about respecting them as people and getting to know what works for them. If you can do that, you'll have a team that'll be highly productive.