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Epos Now x WooCommerce Integration - Built & Supported by Slynk

Aine Hendron
17 Nov 2021

Epos Now are happy to announce that we now offer integration with ecommerce platform WooCommerce, supported by Slynk.

WooCommerce is a dynamic, buildable ecommerce platform for WordPress that gives retailers complete control over their online store, from what you sell and how it looks all the way through to advanced features and scalability.

This integration allows retailers to expand their current audience reach. If you’re expanding your brick-and-mortar retail store to an ecommerce website, you’ll want a platform that will provide the same top-notch customer experience

How does Epos Now work with WooCommerce?

Selling both in-store and online gives you maximum reach, but updating stock manually is slow, inefficient, and prone to errors. Slynk bridges the gap between Epos Now and WooCommerce, so stock and orders are synced within minutes for effortless stock management [1].

  1. If you make a sale in-store and enter it into your point of sale (POS) system, Slynk sends a notification to WooCommerce, and within minutes your master inventory levels will update on your WooCommerce website. 
  2. If you receive a web order via your WooCommerce site, an order will be created, and stock will automatically adjust on Epos Now within minutes. 
  3. If you have multiple store locations or are an omnichannel retailer, aggregate stock from multiple locations in Epos Now to show on your WooCommerce website. 

The same goes for payments: customer payments and refunds requested on your WooCommerce store are sent to your POS system automatically, removing the need for lengthy bookkeeping and cross-checks on multiple systems.

The power to provide

With effective back-office management, you can not only improve the organisation of your business processes, but increase revenue and sales opportunities too. 

Since all of your website and sales data are collected and analysed together, you have a better understanding of how your customers like to shop. Here are some ways you can use your custom WooCommerce x Epos Now reports and analytics to your advantage. 

Award-winning inventory management

Both of these powerful inventory management systems are cloud-based, which means data updates faster and can be accessed from anywhere. Slynk handles the syncing so that merchants will always have an up-to-date overview of the stock levels.

With up-to-date stock, you can eradicate painful customer issues like overselling stock, or delays in waiting for items to come back in stock online. 

Better ROI on stock

These reports allow you to see, at a glance, the products that are not selling in your business. Being able to easily identify products that have not sold a single item is extremely beneficial when looking at reducing surplus stock and cost saving

With the flexibility to change the date range to the pre-set definers or a custom range, you’ll be able to see exactly which products have not sold in any given period. Not only could this affect cash flow tied up in stagnant stock, but storage space could be better assigned to faster moving items. 

You can also review reports that identify trending items by date and sales platform, search for bestsellers, and filter by profitability and profit margin.

Create more relevant promotions

Promotion reports allow you to review your promotion performance. 

You can analyse how each of the promotions that have been used, the number of promotions that have been processed, and the average discount given for each promotion.

This report will give you valuable insight into what works for your customers, how they think, and how they interact with the discounts that you offer. 

Create more relevant promotions by bundling products together to shift slow-selling stock, and pushing spotlight items.

Optimised user experience

On average, less than 2% of all ecommerce website visits convert into a purchase. That’s a lot of missed opportunities. 

If you look at this statistic in a different light, you’ll realise that if you have a store converting at 2%, simply increasing conversions to just 4% will double your sales. 

In other words, a small increase in your online store’s conversion rate can massively increase profits [2].

Joined customer accounts

Customer relationship management has never been simpler. 

For a more personalised retail experience, Slynk shares consumer insights between your POS system and ecommerce site. 

Customer profiles are synced from WooCommerce to EposNow, giving you access to their in-person and online buying history with your store. The customers’ Epos Now loyalty points balance is synced to WooCommerce so you can display each customer's balance on your website.

Increase conversion rate

According to Forbes, the secret to a high conversion rate is strong branding and easy accessibility [3]. Companies can bring their brand to the front of customers’ minds by striving to reach people where they live, work, and play. 

One way you can achieve this is by having succinct branding and presence in a physical store, and online. By accommodating shoppers, and letting them shop how they like to shop, you can transform your retail store into an omnichannel success. Through the Slynk WooCommerce Epos Now integration, this is possible. 

Payment freedom of choice

By giving customers more payment options, you’re satisfying the demands of a wider audience, while protecting your cash flow. The WooCommerce plugin supports:

  • Cheque payments
  • Cash on delivery
  • Online payment processing
  • Stripe
  • PayPal
  • And many more payment gateway integrations

How can I link my WooCommerce store to Epos Now? 

No custom development is needed to integrate your WooCommerce website with Epos Now. All you need is a subscription to the Slynk WooCommerce Epos Now Integration service via your WordPress site. Slynk handles all the heavy lifting limiting any performance overhead on your WooCommerce website and processes all the data required to sync with Epos Now [4].

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