Pro charging dock large

Pro and Pro+ Charging Dock

A countertop charging dock for your Pro or Pro+. Charge your device to give your staff more options while on the floor and boost their productivity. 

  • Quick release for instant use and mobility
  • Speedy, cordless charging
  • Use device while in or out of dock
£58.80 Inc. VAT

Why Epos Now

Easy to Setup & Use

Setup and ready to trade within minutes. Epos Now works with almost all Android tablets. Get started with a 24 hour customer support team.

Accessible Anywhere

Access reports, insights and make improvements to your business in real time. Use devices you already own like PC, tablet or mobile.

Completely Flexible

Scales with your business and expands as you grow. Add devices, accessories & over 100+ integrations to take you to the next level.

Offer your customers more ways to pay

Accept every major credit and debit card and let your customers pay the way they want. Accept all payment methods including contactless, online, debit, and credit cards. 

With Epos Now Payments, we offer flat rates on card transactions.** This means you’ll know exactly how much profit you’ll be taking home. 

Process transactions quickly and boost your profits.

Get in touch

Payments Pro+ Ordering Pound
support systems v2

Expert customer support whenever you need it

Should you need our help for whatever reason, our expert support team will be there 24/7 to assist. 

With Epos Now, you’ll never feel like you’re going it alone.

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