restaurant customer service

Restaurant customer service tips for a high quality experience

29 Aug 2024

Let's be real, running a restaurant is all about the people. Sure, your mouth-watering menu gets people in the door, but itโ€™s your killer customer service that keeps them coming back for seconds (and thirds).

 Think about it. Itโ€™s way cheaper to keep a regular happy than to chase down new customers all the time. In fact, acquiring a new customer can cost five to 25 times more than keeping an existing one!

So, while itโ€™s great to attract new faces, donโ€™t forget to think on those already filling your tables. Investing in the best service isnโ€™t just smart, itโ€™s essential for boosting your bottom line.

 Stick around, and we'll spill the secrets to leveling up your customer service game, from using data to personalize the experience to making payments simple and straightforward. Trust us, your customers will love itโ€”and so will your restaurant sales.

What is a good restaurantโ€™s customer service like? 

So, whatโ€™s restaurant customer service all about? Itโ€™s every little thing you do when dealing with your customers. From answering questions about your menu to handling a not-so-great review online, it all counts.

These days, customers can interact with your restaurant in a bunch of waysโ€”online, in-person, delivery apps, you name it. Thatโ€™s why itโ€™s super important to keep your service consistent across the board. And that's where having good customer service is needed. Sure, having a drool-worthy online presence and a cozy vibe is awesome for pulling in new customers, but if their experience tanks when they actually show up, all that effort goes to waste. Once theyโ€™re at your place, your food and service have to bring it home, making sure their expectations match up with the real deal.

Clear understanding of customer expectations 

Letโ€™s get one thing straight: your customers come in with certain expectations, and it's your job to nail them. No pressure, right? Theyโ€™re not just here for the food. Nope, theyโ€™re here for the whole experience. So, youโ€™ve got to know what they want before they even ask. Are they looking for a quick bite, or are they settling in for a long, leisurely dinner? Do they expect to be wowed by your wine selection, or are they here for the Insta-worthy desserts?

A huge part of good customer service is figuring out these expectations and then delivering on them. The better you understand your customers, the easier itโ€™ll be to give them exactly what theyโ€™re looking for. And when you do, theyโ€™ll keep coming back, because letโ€™s face it, nobodyโ€™s going to complain about getting exactly what they wanted. So, pay attention, ask questions, and read between the linesโ€”because great customer service starts with knowing what your customers expect and then knocking it out of the park.

The importance of first impressions

As the saying goes, first impressions are everything. And in the restaurant world, good service starts the second your customers walk through the door (or even sooner if theyโ€™re checking you out online first). Whether itโ€™s a friendly greeting, a welcoming atmosphere, or just that feeling that everythingโ€™s under control, youโ€™ve got to make sure their first thought is, โ€œWow, Iโ€™m in the right place.โ€

Neuroscientists have found that it takes people just milliseconds to form that first impression. In a blink, your guests havetheyโ€™ve already made up their minds. So, youโ€™ve got to bring your A-game right from the start. Think of it like a first dateโ€”you wouldnโ€™t show up late and underdressed, right? The same goes for your restaurant. The ambiance, the cleanliness, the way your staff interacts with customersโ€” it  all sets the tone.

Nail that first impression and youโ€™ve already won half the battle. If you mess it up, youโ€™ll have a much harder time winning them over. So, roll out the red carpet, flash those smiles, and make sure your customers feel the love from the get-go. Because when the first impression is a good one, it sets the stage for the entire dining experience.

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Tips to provide excellent customer service in your restaurant 

You now know what customer service skills are - yay! That means it's time to get practical. Here are some of our winning tips to ensure you're providing exceptional customer service from the get-go at your restaurant. Regardless of whether you're already providing excellent customer service or need a little bit of extra help in that department, we've got you covered.

Enhance menu planning 

First on the list to improve customer service is menu planning. This is way more than just picking your favorite dishes and slapping them on a list. It needs to reflect not just what youโ€™re serving but who you are as a restaurant.

Start with balance. You donโ€™t want to overwhelm your customers with a million choices, nobody likes decision fatigue, trust us, but you also donโ€™t want to be so limited that you leave them feeling meh. Say youโ€™re running a cozy Italian spot. Sure, you could throw on every pasta dish under the sun, but is that really going to make you stand out? Instead, why not focus on a few brilliant pasta dishes, a couple of signature pizzas, and maybe a drool-worthy dessert? Youโ€™re offering variety without going overboard.

Now, think about your customers. Are they health-conscious? Big on comfort food? Do they love to share plates? Knowing your crowd helps you plan a menu that hits all the right notes. If youโ€™re getting a lot of fitness buffs, maybe add a killer salad or a grain bowl. If your crowdโ€™s all about indulgence, bring on the cheesy goodness (no skimping on the mozzarella!)

Finally, donโ€™t forget to mix things up occasionally. Seasonal specials, limited-time offers, or even just a new twist on an old favorite can keep things fresh and exciting. Remember, your menu is a snapshot of your restaurantโ€™s vibe so, give it the attention it deserves.

Implement point-of-sale software in your restaurantโ€™s operational management 

If youโ€™re still taking orders with pen and paper or dealing with a clunky old cash register, itโ€™s time for an upgrade. A modern POS system streamlines your entire restaurant operation, making everything from order-taking to payment processing smoother than ever.

Letโ€™s break it down. A restaurant POS does more than just ring up sales. It helps you track inventory, manage employee shifts, and even analyze sales data to see whatโ€™s working and whatโ€™s not. Imagine youโ€™re running a busy cafรฉ. With a good POS system, you can easily see which menu items are flying off the shelves and which ones are gathering dust. This insight helps you adjust your offerings and maximize profits.

Plus, a restaurant POS isnโ€™t just for the back-end stuff. It also improves the customer experience. Orders are sent straight to the kitchen, reducing errors and speeding up service. No more handwritten notes getting lost in the hustle and bustle. Customers can pay at the table, split bills with ease, and even leave tips.

The best part is that your POS software can grow with your business. Whether youโ€™re running a small bistro or a multi-location restaurant, thereโ€™s a POS system that fits your needs. And with features like loyalty programs, gift cards, and online ordering integration, youโ€™re not just keeping up with the competitionโ€”youโ€™re staying ahead and keeping those loyal customers coming back.

Provide flexibility in payments and bookings with the latest technology 

In todayโ€™s world, customers expect optionsโ€”especially when it comes to payments and bookings. Gone are the days when cash was king and reservations had to be made by phone. Now, if youโ€™re not offering a variety of ways to pay and book, youโ€™re missing out.

First up, payment processing. Youโ€™ve got to make it as easy as possible for your customers to hand over their hard-earned cash. Whether they want to tap, swipe, dip, or click, your restaurant should be ready for it. Credit cards, mobile payments, even the occasional old-school cash transactionโ€”your POS system should handle it all without breaking a sweat(and yes, you absolutely need a POS system for this).

Then thereโ€™s booking. Letโ€™s face it, nobody wants to wait on hold to make a reservation anymore. With the latest tech, customers can book a table with just a few taps on their phone. Online booking systems are a must. They're all about informing customers about your available times, letting them pick their favorite spot, and even adding special requestsโ€”all without having to talk to anyone.

TIP: sync your payment processing with your booking system. That way, customers can pay deposits or secure their spot with just one click. Itโ€™s convenient for them and cuts down on no-shows for you.

Improve customer retention through loyalty programs

Youโ€™ve worked hard to get people through your doors, so why not keep them coming back? One of the best ways to do that is by setting up a loyalty program. Itโ€™s a simple and fun way to reward loyal customers and turn them into regulars.

How do these work, you ask? Well, when your existing customers keep coming back, they earn points, discounts, or even free stuff. And who doesnโ€™t love free stuff? Whether itโ€™s a free dessert after their 10th visit or a special discount on their birthday, these little perks make your guests feel appreciated. And theyโ€™ll definitely remember you the next time theyโ€™re craving a good meal.

But loyalty programs arenโ€™t just about freebies. Theyโ€™re a smart way to build customer loyalty and keep your place top of mind. When customers know theyโ€™re earning rewards every time they dine with you, theyโ€™re more likely to choose your restaurant over others. Itโ€™s like a little nudge saying, โ€œHey, come back soon!โ€

Plus, loyalty programs give you valuable insights into what your existing customers love. You can track their favorite dishes, see how often they visit, and tailor special offers just for them. This personalized touch makes them feel even more connected to your restaurant.

Invest in your restaurantโ€™s staff training regularly 

Your staff is the heart of your restaurant. So, if you want to keep things running smoothly, youโ€™ve got to invest in their training. And not just onceโ€”regularly. Restaurant customer service training isnโ€™t a one-and-done deal. Itโ€™s something you should be doing all the time.

Why? Because good service is what keeps customers coming back. And your staff needs to be on top of their game to deliver it. From how to greet guests with a smile to handling tricky situations [like when someone sends back their food], solid training makes a huge difference.

Plus, the restaurant world is always changing -new trends, new tech, new ways to wow your customers. Regular training keeps your team up to date, so theyโ€™re always ready to impress. When your staff feels confident and prepared, it shows. Customers notice when the service is smooth and the staff is on point.

Think of it this way: you wouldnโ€™t let your kitchen equipment go without maintenance, right? The same goes for your staff. Keep them sharp with ongoing training. It doesnโ€™t have to be complicated. A quick refresher here, a new skill thereโ€”it all adds up.

Improve guest complaint management

โ€˜My steak is overcooked.โ€™ โ€˜The service was too slow.โ€™ โ€˜I didnโ€™t get what I ordered.โ€™โ€ Weโ€™ve all been there. Customer complaints are a part of the restaurant business, but how you handle them can make or break the experience for your guests.

First things firstโ€”stay cool. When a customer brings up an issue, donโ€™t get defensive. Itโ€™s not personal, itโ€™s just feedback. Listen to what theyโ€™re saying without interrupting. Let them get their frustration out and show that youโ€™re genuinely interested in solving the problem. A little empathy goes a long way in good customer service.

Next, take action. If their food isnโ€™t up to par, offer to fix it. If theyโ€™ve been waiting too long, perhaps offer a discount or a complimentary treat. Quick, thoughtful responses can turn a sour experience into a sweet one.

After youโ€™ve sorted out the issue, donโ€™t forget to follow up. A simple โ€œIs everything okay now?โ€ lets the guest know you care about their satisfaction and are committed to making things right.

Lastly, use complaints as a learning tool for customer satisfaction. Regularly review the feedback to spot patterns and make improvements. If youโ€™re seeing the same issues pop up, itโ€™s time to make some changes.

TIP: Ready to turn complaints into compliments? Check out our guide on handling customer complaints like a pro and transform tricky situations into opportunities for awesome service.

Encourage customer feedback to improve your dining experience and reviews

What do your Google Reviews say about you? Do they rave about your delicious food and stellar service, or are they filled with complaints about slow service and cold dishes? If your reviews are mixed (some positive reviews and some average or bad reviews) or need a boost, itโ€™s time to encourage some customer feedback and use it to level up your dining experience.

First off, make it easy for customers to share their thoughts. Put up signs in your restaurant, include links on your receipts, and maybe even send a follow-up email thanking them for their visit and asking for their feedback (a little nudge goes a long way). The easier you make it for them to leave a review, the more likely theyโ€™ll do it.

Next, show your customers that their opinions matter. When you get feedback, positive or negative, respond to it. Thank them for their kind words or apologize for any slip-ups. Itโ€™s not just about managing complaints. Itโ€™s about showing that you care and are always striving to improve.

Use the feedback to make real changes. If customers are pointing out the same issues, take it seriously. Maybe itโ€™s time to tweak your menu, improve your service speed, or upgrade your decor. Feedback is a goldmine for figuring out whatโ€™s working and whatโ€™s not.

Finally, share the love. Let your satisfied customers know how much you appreciate their feedback and how itโ€™s helping you improve. Happy customers will be your best promoters.

FAQ about managing customer service in your restaurant

What is the most common complaint at restaurants?

Low-quality food or drink takes the cake. Nobody likes to fork over their hard-earned cash for something that tastes bland or isnโ€™t very nice. Making sure your dishes are consistently great can keep those complaints at bay.

What are the 3 Aโ€™s in customer service for restaurant owners?

The 3 Aโ€™s are Attentiveness, Attitude, and Accountability. Pay attention to your customers, keep a positive attitude, and own up to any mistakes. Itโ€™s all about being on point and making sure your guests feel valued.

How do you improve your restaurant customer experience?

To up your customer's satisfaction and give a better customer service focus on fast service, top-notch food, and friendly staff. Listen to feedback, fix any issues pronto, and make your place welcoming. Little things like a smile or a quick check-in can make a big difference.