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Drive more sales by automatically exporting customer data from your Epos Now POS system and importing it to your Mailchimp account.

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How Mailchimp helps

Targeted Campaigns

Set up automated workflows based on your customers' purchasing behaviors, meaning you can engage specific customers relevant content.

Detailed Analytics

Quickly and easily access detailed analytics around the open and click rates of your campaigns, allowing you to make informed business decisions.


Build automated email campaigns that follow a set sending schedule to drive repeat business, encourage customer feedback and reward first-time buyers.

The go-to email marketing platform

The Epos Now Mailchimp integration gives you all the tools needed to promote your business. This automated system lets you stay in touch with your customers no matter the time or day. From creating beautiful emails to interpreting open rates, Mailchimp makes marketing easy. 


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Drag and drop email builder

With Mailchimp's easy-to-use email builder, there is no code required. Choose from over 100 email templates to create professional messages for customers. Customize your emails with images, gifs and products to help your business stand out.

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Convert lost sales

If you have an ecommerce website, you may be losing sales due to abandoned carts. With Mailchimp, you can target these shoppers to encourage them to finalize their purchase. 

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Create customised emails

By importing your Epos Now customer data, you can greet customers by name for more personal interactions. Mailchimp also lets you create custom messages based on demographics, interests and geographic location.

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Monitor email performance

Mailchimp's powerful analytics tracks key metrics like open rates and clickthrough rates, allowing you to see how users interact with your emails. For deeper analysis, Mailchimp makes it easy to run A/B tests to see which content performs best.

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Get started with Mailchimp

Epos Now and Mailchimp make it easy to create powerful that boost customer engagement. Setup only takes a few minutes, so you can try out Mailchimp today.

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